Connect to God’s Word to Fear the Lord
To grow in spiritual maturity, you must connect to God’s Word to learn to fear the Lord. Does that feel like a daunting task? Why don’t you take a year to read through the Bible to do just that? Connect to God’s Word and learn how to fear the Lord appropriately.
How happy are those whose way is blameless,
Psalm 119:1–2 CSB
who walk according to the Lord’s instruction!
Happy are those who keep his decrees
and seek him with all their heart.
How happy is everyone who fears the Lord,
Psalm 128:1 CSB
who walks in his ways!
You just read three verses that help you to know how to be happy. That sounds like an excellent goal! Connect to God’s Word and fear the Lord to be happy!
What’s the plan to connect to God’s Word to fear the Lord?
Read the Holy Land Illustrated Bible and follow the One Year Chronological Bible reading plan in YouVersion. You may also opt to use the printable version. The chronological reading plan will lead you in the order of biblical events and the historical context in which they unfolded. Plus, this plan will also enable you to know your way around our Bibles more as you move from passage to passage.
DDC Bible Study Challenge Focus
This study investigates the foundational steps of spiritual maturity. The first step is to connect to God’s Word. The second step is to fear the Lord.
As you read through the Bible each day, challenge yourself to complete this sentence:
I should fear the Lord because…
When considering the reasons to fear the Lord, it is also helpful to think of the response from the standpoint of
- God is . . .
- I am . . .
You will understand what it means to fear the Lord as you connect to God’s Word. And you will discover ever-deepening reasons for an appropriate fear of the Lord as you study through the year. Share your insights with others to help them grow in spiritual maturity as well.
The fear of the Lord
Proverbs 1:7 CSB
is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Are you up for the challenge?
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting,
Proverbs 31:30 CSB
but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.
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One thought on “Connect to God’s Word to Fear the Lord Study”
I joined the DDCOMMUNITY ladies Bible study in 2021 at the age of 57 to read through the entire Bible in 1 year, for the 1st time in my life!
To say it was life changing, is an understatement! I am a few days away from finishing up my 2nd read through in a year with this group of loving & encouraging women. To read God’s living word & grasp that He speaks to you & opens your eyes to more & more of Him is pure joy and to then come together with this group of women to share Him and have Him connect our hearts in such a sweet way has been a huge blessing in my life. I would like to invite you to come boast in Him, with us, every Thursday in 2023 as we let what it means to connect to God’s word to fear the Lord, seep deeply into our hearts that we might be led to magnify Him above all, in our lives!