Who are Christian leaders?
So you may know that DDCommunity serves Christian leaders, but who are Christian leaders? From the vantage point of Desperately Dependent Community, a Christian leader is anyone who is in a position to lead another toward spiritual maturity.
The DDCommunity charter states that Desperately Dependent Community exists to engage and encourage Christian leaders to find Christ relevant to every area of life, thereby promoting effective, sustained ministries. But it is not unusual for people to be confused by the term Christian leaders in our mission statement.
DDCommunity’s primary focus includes:
Christian Ministers
- Full-time, part-time, bi-vocational, senior pastor, music minister, youth minister, minister of discipleship, missionary, etc., are definitely considered Christian leaders who DDCommunity serves.
- Ministers may be thriving in ministry or merely surviving.
- Ministers are offered support, encouragement, consultations, counseling, and training, thereby promoting effective, sustained ministries.
Ministry Families
- Spouses of ministry leaders, children whether young or adult children, and extended families that are impacted by ministry are served as Christian leaders by DDCommunity.
- Families may be adjusting to ministerial changes, pressures within the ministry, or a wide variety of family issues resulting from ministry interactions.
- Families are offered support, encouragement, consultations, counseling, and training, thereby promoting effective, sustained families.
Lay Leaders and Christian Workers
- Individuals occupying leadership positions in the church and those seeking to live an authentic Christian lifestyle are considered Christian leaders who DDCommunity serves.
- Official and/or unofficial positions are offered support as individuals progress toward spiritual maturity.
- Leaders and workers may receive mentoring, training, support, encouragement, counseling, and direction.
Churches and Ministry Organizations
- Churches and organizations, including personnel committees, deacon boards, elders, mission organizations, etc., are served as Christian leaders by DDCommunity.
- Corporate entities may require assistance in promoting effective, sustained ministries through preventative care and/or crisis assistance.
- Consultations, training, and evaluations are offered.
May we serve you?
DDCommunity would be honored to walk beside you, whatever your Christian leadership position may be. Please feel free to contact us to let us know how we may serve you.