Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life

Grasp the Love of Christ

DDCommunity: Grasp the love of Christ

May You Grasp the Love of Christ

Love for me has been a contrast in extremes.

Agape, Christ-filled love from some.

And conditional, you-don’t-measure-up kind of love from others.

As odd as it would seem, or maybe it’s just the human part of me, but the conditional love seems to be what I tend to cling to—what my heart tends to truly believe.

Love is offered, but it is allotted based on my performance or how I act or how I look. It’s conditional. Measured. Judged.

I believe this is how love operates so much that I find myself loving others in the same way. Maybe less one day, maybe more another day. It’s all based on another’s performance or my own performance.

But somewhere deep in my heart, I desire… I crave… the kind of love that I cannot earn. That cannot be added to or subtracted from based on anything I do or anything I am.

May you grasp… how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.

Ephesians 3:18

The Love of Christ.

It’s one thing to KNOW God loves me. It’s a whole other matter to actually BELIEVE He loves me. And to daily walk in that love.

The kind of love that has no limits. Love that is not based on my performance. Not based on what I do, how I act, how I look. His love is not given depending on how He feels today, or how well I loved Him first.

It’s not limited to anything about me at all.

But how often do I view God’s love with my own human perspective? How often do I see His love through my earthly eyes rather than truly believing, truly grasping how wide and how long and how high and how deep HIS love is for me?

How often do I understand and know He loves me but never make it my own?

Christ offers His love to us. Wants us to make it our own. Desires for us to not just know His love in our heads, but to truly grasp it. To truly BELIEVE it in our hearts. And to know from experience. To live in the confidence that there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any less or any more than He does right now.

All the love He has for us is offered to us at this moment in our life.

This is my prayer. Not just for myself but for everyone. That we would grasp… seize upon… comprehend… hold firmly to His love.

Grasp love that is wider. Seize love that is longer. Comprehend love that is higher. Hold firmly to love that is deeper than any place we could be.

He meets us there, and He loves us with as much love as He has for us.

Love that is unfathomable.

It is unchanging and comforting and forgiving and gracious and merciful and just and good and wonderful. It is everything He is. It’s an all-consuming love.

He finds us in those dark places and affirms to our hearts what our heads already know…

He loves us as much as He’s ever going to love us. Right now. In this moment. No matter what we do. No matter how we perform. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.

What unimaginable freedom awaits for us if we could truly BELIEVE God loves us and walk in this truth daily! This is the kind of love I want to define my life. This is the kind of love I want to fill me so that it overflows onto others around me. This agape love that comes from knowing Christ and allowing Him to love through me.

DDC: Jennifer Nichols

This DesignVerse and blog post were created by Jennifer Martin.

I am a beloved child of God whose desire is to consistently seek Christ and find Him relevant to every area of my life. I am a mother of two great kids with a passion to pour Truth into them every chance I get. As part of the DDCommunity Ministry Team my heart is to point others to Christ, believing He is the only solution to our every need.

Graciously forgiven. Dearly loved. Divinely favored. Eternally grateful.

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