Bible Study Challenge
It boils down to seeing God as the holy Sovereign with all authority to set all standards. My response to God’s holiness is to choose my own way, which is sin, or to choose God’s way, which is righteousness.
Have you come to understand that we are declared righteous and fully accepted by God, not based on any righteousness in us, but only through faith, looking outside ourselves and joining us to a righteousness not of our own doing — Jesus is our righteousness! How do I make Christ relevant to every area of my life?
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin in our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:21 (NASB 2020)
But it is due to Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, so that, just as it is written: “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1:30–31 (NASB 2020)
So then, as through one offense the result was condemnation to all mankind, so also through one act of righteousness the result was justification of life to all mankind. For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:18–19 (NASB 2020)
For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Romans 10:3–4 (NASB 2020)
So, in our study, we will search for God’s standard each day while being wary of sin’s temptation. Which will you choose?
What’s the plan to learn how to choose God’s standard?
Read the NASB 2020 translation of the Bible and follow the One Story that Leads to Jesus reading plan in YouVersion. This reading plan was created in partnership with The Bible Project. You may also opt to use the printable version.
Here’s what the Bible Project says about this plan.
Spend the Year in Scripture
The One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan will guide you through the entire Bible in one year. Each day, you’ll read a few chapters—or occasionally skim through large genealogies or census sections—as you make your way from Genesis to Revelation.
Meditate on the Psalms
Each day’s reading features a psalm for you to meditate on through quiet reflection and prayer. By the end of the year, you’ll have read through this entire book of biblical poetry more than twice.
Videos for Learning
Before you dive into a new book of the Bible, we’ll share an overview video that outlines the structure of the book and its central themes. In addition to these overview videos, we have included many of our newest theme videos exploring topics found within each reading section. Follow the hyperlinks found in the readings for easy access to the videos.
Overview Posters
Want to download or print a copy of each book’s overview? Overview posters are available here.
The Bible Project’s Bad Words Series
To complement our study on how to choose God’s standard, The Bible Project offers an insightful series about the Bible’s Bad Words. Prepare yourself for our study by watching the three episodes on sin, transgression, and iniquity. You may want to download and print each poster for a handy reference tool.
DDCommunity Bible Study Challenge Focus
This challenge was designed to investigate steps three and four of the 10 steps of spiritual maturity. Step three is to Experience Forgiveness of Sins, and step four is to Choose Righteousness. Continuously, we are tempted to fall into sin and choose our own way instead of God’s holy standard. Temptations lurk and pounce when we least expect them! We must be wise and wary. So, in this study, we will seek to expose lies as we strive to live in God’s truth.
As you read through the Bible each day, challenge yourself to consider these connection points:
- God’s Standard is . . .
- Sin’s Temptation is . . .
- I Choose . . .
Be diligent in connecting to God’s Word daily. Challenge yourself to complete ONE set of connection points each day. Journaling these connection points will help you gain a deeper understanding of what God has shown you.
Here are more details.
Supplies for the Study
- For this study we used the NASB 2020 Wide Margin Reference Bible. It is available in maroon, blue, and brown.
The NASB 2020 Wide Margin Reference Bible uses what is considered the most accurate English translation of the original biblical languages. The NASB 2020 utilizes a formal equivalence translation philosophy and is widely accepted by pastors, professors, and ministry leaders as one of the most trusted literal translations of the Holy Bible.
The NASB 2020 Wide Margin Reference Bible features a one-and-a-quarter inch outside margin (1.25), over 95,000 cross-references, and the full set of translator notes to enhance your daily reading and study. This New American Standard Bible features a single column of Bible text making reading smooth and steady. Its Smyth sewn binding adds durability for frequent use and travel.
The Lockman Foundation
- For highlighters, we recommend Crayola Twistables! Besides being fun and compact, they don’t bleed through Bible pages! We will use purple, orange, and green for this study.
- I have researched, tested, and found Micron pens to be the best for writing in a journaling Bible. This Amazon set is archival quality, waterproof, fade-resistant, bleed-free, quick-drying, and pH neutral. These fine liners come in assorted colors: black, red, blue, green, brown, purple, orange, and rose. You may also purchase individual Micron colors and different nib sizes at Michael’s.
- Select a journal or notebook to write your daily sentence completions and insights. You may choose a spiral notebook, a journal, or a fancy planner, but make sure you have enough space to write each day. Often, journal books don’t have enough pages for the whole year, so create your own workable strategy. You may also just opt to write in your Bible’s margins.
Additional Steps
- Sign up for One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan on YouVersion. YouVersion offers you the option to read and watch The Bible Project videos and also provides a check box to track what you have read. Set your translation to NASB 2020. You will want to double-check for the first few days to ensure your selection remains the NASB 2020.
Additional Resources for Additional Insights
- If you desire to dig even deeper, explore the vast resources of BlueLetterBible.org. This reference tool is especially useful for understanding the nuances of the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic words in each verse. I highly recommend registering for a BlueLetterBible.org account to access these helpful tools efficiently. It’s FREE! You will find helpful tutorials and video tutorials to guide you on your way.
- If you don’t already own The Bible Exposition Commentary by Warren Wiersbe, it’s great to add to your wish list. The 6 volume set is my choice.
- The Pursuit of the Holy: A Divine Intervention by Simon Ponsonby is not a book we will be directly referencing; however, it offers great insight into the theme of holiness.
Step by Step
1. Discover Daily
The primary goal is to connect to God’s Word daily.
Use YouVersion to help you track the reading plan. If you get behind, don’t try to catch up. Just pick up with the current day.
Don’t fret if you feel overwhelmed in the beginning! It will get easier as you settle into a rhythm.
The goal is to connect to God and His Word, not to make yourself look wonderful. If God has you focusing for hours, then follow Him. But you are missing the mark if you are trying to compete or please someone else.
2. Complete Connection Points
Be diligent in connecting to God’s Word daily. Challenge yourself to complete ONE set of connection points each day. You will be asked to share your statement with the group so that we can all learn and gain a deeper understanding of what God has shown you.
To help put the pieces together, we suggest using Crayola Twistables. For words and passages that relate to God’s Standards, use PURPLE. Use ORANGE for words and passages relating to sin and Sin’s Temptation. Use GREEN for words and passages relating to righteousness (I Choose…). You may also decide to highlight anything else that pops out at you with other colors.
Then, consider all the places you highlighted in PURPLE. Pick one major theme you notice as God’s Standard and then complete the phrase God’s Standard is . . .
Notice any ORANGE highlights that help you see Sin’s Temptation that takes you away from God’s Standard. Add to your statement Sin’s Temptation is . . .
You may become aware of the Sin’s Temptation before you find God’s Standard. Let that discovery point you to understand what God’s Standard is.
3. Commit to Righteousness
Because you see that God’s Standard is . . . and Sin’s Temptation is . . ., what will you choose? Journal your daily commitment beginning with the phrase “I Choose . . .”
How about some examples, please, Melanie?
Sure, let’s do it.
Let’s use Romans 6:12–23 as an illustration.
- God’s Standard is that I be freed from sin and a slave to righteousness (Rom. 6:18).
- Sin’s Temptation is to stay enslaved to sin – my own way – (6:14–17) because it is my comfort zone – what I have always known.
- I Choose to be obedient to righteousness (6:16) and enjoy the gift of eternal life (6:23).
Would you like to try another example? How about Romans 8:1–11?
- God’s Standard is to set my mind on the things of the Spirit (Rom. 8:5).
- Sin’s Temptation is to focus on what I want (Rom. 8:5).
- I Choose to set my mind – focus – on the Spirit and to be empowered by the Spirit to enjoy His life and peace (8:6).
Testimonials about DDCommunity Bible Study Challenge
Here are some comments from members of our Bible Study Challenge groups.
This Bible study has made me read the Bible with a purpose rather than a checklist each day. It has made me read the Bible much slower and paying attention more as a result. Although I have followed our church plan of reading through the Bible alternating canonical and chronological in previous years, I am noticing things I have overlooked previously. I feel like I am learning the Bible more deeply.
After a long season of waiting, I am finally in a Bible study rich with togetherness and sisterhood. I am challenged and encouraged and feel deeply loved. I have space to grow and a place to be pruned.
Here’s to authenticity and community. To Jesus (always) and healthy fear, journaling, and listening.
Once again, this week’s Bible study was a perfect mix of incorporating our readings into real, everyday life with a healthy dose of ministering/counseling one another!
I have found a precious group of God-fearing ladies who meet every Thursday to discuss what the Lord is showing us and teaching us in His Word each week. Our reading plan is always an intentional and thought-provoking year-long read through the Bible.
We love! We laugh! We pray for each other! We bear each other’s burdens! We stay connected to each other throughout the week! We grow together! We even hug via Zoom. We are renewed, and our hearts are transformed as we see and learn the depth of God’s love for us. Nothing else I have experienced brings about the level of joy displayed when we talk about and share Jesus with each other.
It’s heart-changing and life-changing.
DDCommunity Bible study has been instrumental in bringing me to a place of spiritual peace. I have developed skills I so desperately needed to bring my relationship with God to a personal level. I did not realize how much I needed Jesus in my every day journey in this world. Life is so much better when He is involved.
I am so grateful I was led to this study. So many wonderful women coming together for a common goal. To live a life filled with the love of Jesus. We have formed lifelong bonds as sisters, which can last a lifetime. We encourage each other, we lift each other up, we comfort each other but most of all we love each other.
2024 will be my 4th year in this study, reading God’s Word, His entire Word. An ambition I had for a long time but it never seemed to come to fruition. Until I joined this group. I received so much encouragement I couldn’t give up. The first year I finished and was so thankful. The subsequent years I can’t wait to start again. I now thirst to be in the Word. My Bible no longer is an afterthought when life gets hard. It’s a daily need, just as water and food are.
Melissa joined the DDCommunity Bible Study Challenge for the first time in 2023. Now, she wants everyone to learn about this life-transforming journey. Melissa has been sharing her experiences studying His Word through Facebook Live posts.
This is a listing of her posts so far.
- 02.26.2024 Life-Transforming Journey
- 03.04.2024 Things That Make It Easier
- 03.22.2024 Bible Study Tools
- 04.17.2024 Getting to Know Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary
Are you up for the challenge of choosing God’s standard?
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