Study What the Bible Says about Sin and Righteousness
What does the Bible say about sin and righteousness? We challenge you to consider the 3rd step of spiritual maturity, Experience Forgiveness of Sins, and the 4th step, Choose Righteousness, as you read through the Gospel Transformation Bible. Allow the Gospel to transform your sinfulness into a desire for righteousness with this one-year Bible study.
Are you ready to see with the Bible says about sin and righteousness?
DDCommunity invites you to accept the challenge of reading through the ESV Gospel Transformation Bible. For this challenge, consider the 3rd step of spiritual maturity, Experience Forgiveness of Sins, and the 4th step, Choose Righteousness. Read through the Gospel Transformation Bible while asking and journaling daily,
- “What did I learn about sin?”
- “What difference does that make in my life?”
As I pondered these questions, I found myself convicted about sin in consideration of God’s holiness, which has moved me to desire righteousness in a more profound way. While it seems daunting to be convicted by God’s perspective of sin daily, I earnestly desire a deeper relationship with Him as a result of experiencing forgiveness of sin.
“Be Holy as I Am Holy.”
The source of the command is the heart of God. The purpose of the command is to establish union and communion between God and his people. It is the extraordinary beckoning of God for us to be with him. God’s grace takes the initiative.
Because his holiness may not be modified, it is we who must come, we who must accommodate him, not he us. This statement is extraordinary in its inclusivity. God would have us as he is. Far from being exclusive and excluding, he makes room for us.
It is the call to come higher, come closer. Alec Motyer said, “Holiness is the most intimately divine word the Bible possesses.” And thus the call to be holy as he is holy is the call to the most intimate union with God. Imitation of God has intimacy with God as the goal.—The Pursuit of the Holy: A Divine Invitation
Here is hope—“Be holy as I am holy” is an open door into the heart of God. It says that our sin has not closed the door on God, has not forever ruined the relationship; we can be with him, even be like him.
The ESV Gospel Transformation Bible

While reading the ESV Bible, follow the reading plan included in the Gospel Transformation Bible, and also read the notes. “The commentary notes continuously point to the Gospel thread throughout the Bible – a thrilling perspective!”
The goal of the Gospel Transformation Bible is twofold: (1) to enable readers to understand that the whole Bible is a unified message of the gospel of God’s grace culminating in Christ Jesus, and (2) to help believers apply this good news to their everyday lives in a heart-transforming way. Our hope is that, as Christians throughout the world learn to see the message of salvation by grace unfolding throughout Scripture, they will respond to God with greater love, faithfulness, and power.
—The Gospel Transformation Bible Introduction
You can also find the Gospel Transformation Study Bible notes through Logos Bible Software. Get Started with Logos Bible Software for FREE! If you have not already discovered this excellent Bible study tool, I HIGHLY recommend it!! When you sign up to receive their special offers, you will also be able to add a new resource to your Library each month! Yes, you can pour a lot of money into your Logos Bible Software, but you don’t have to! The FREE version offers a lot of resources! Check it out!
If you don’t own a copy of the ESV translation, you can find a FREE digital version with an audio option on YouVersion.
Tell us how you are doing on your way to spiritual maturity!
We would LOVE to read your comments as you complete this study of what the Bible says about sin and righteousness! Post them below!
For more Bible study ideas, read Thematically Study through the Bible in One Year.