Discipline and joy don’t seem to go together, but in Christ, they do! Learn why accepting God’s discipline leads to spiritual growth.
Tag Accept Discipline
Join the DDCommunity 2025 Bible study challenge to read through the Bible as you learn to depend on God to teach you. 2025 DDCommunity Bible Study Challenge Focus Each year, we choose two steps to spiritual maturity to investigate. In 2025, we will especially search for passages that teach us to depend on God (Step 5) and those that teach us about God’s discipline (Step 6). Our key verses for the year are: Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8 ESV Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O Lord, and whom you teach out of your law. Psalm 94:12 ESV Do you just want to laugh out loud when you hear that verse? “Blessed [happy] is anyone you discipline”? “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” Discipline and happiness don’t seem to be a natural duo! […]
Thematically study through the Bible in one year with these fresh options for approaching your daily connection to God’s Word.