Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life

What Is Identity? Have You Lost Your Identity?

Identity Defined

What is identity? Simply stated, my identity is how I view myself. One of the fundamental questions of humanity is, who am I? How do I define myself? Who do I want to be? How do I want others to see me? How do I describe myself?

Children love to play pretend. As our granddaughter chooses each accessory, she decides who she will be. A princess? A dinosaur? A ninja? A kitty-cat? She is creating her unique identity. But how will others respond to her identity? Will they laugh? Will they snap pictures? Or will they disapprove?

From a human perspective, we are each searching for a place to belong. Where do I fit into this world? How can I cause others to approve of me? We are looking for that place where our relationships are most accepting.

Erroneously, my view of myself and how it connects me to others produces fulfillment in life. I become unhappy when my view of myself does not produce acceptance from others. I believe I need others to validate my identity – to agree with how I see myself. But too often, the world tries to squeeze me into its ever-changing mold. My identity cannot be solidified until I am complete in my relationship with Christ.

Identity Lost

The impact of humanity’s sin against God caused us to lose sight of who we are and our place in our relationship with Him. Our God-given identity has been lost.

So the Lord God called out to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”

Genesis. 3:9 CSB

Communion with God was broken and replaced with fear.

And he said, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.”

Genesis 3:10 CSB

The impact of sin created a shift in identity, so the man saw himself differently. As a result, he related to God differently – he hid himself.

How I view myself directly impacts how I relate to others. And all too often, how others relate to me directly affects how I feel about myself. I am in desperate need of someone who can tell me who I am and how I am to relate to this world.

Insight Journal

  • Who am I?

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excerpts from iProcess

Excerpts from iProcess by J. Kirk & Melanie D. Lewis © 2023. Download your copy today!

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Read more about iProcess: identity in Christ, intimacy with Christ, industry for Christ.

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