Why are you wondering about marriage in heaven?
You have probably thought about the question “Will there be marriage in heaven?” Why are you wondering? Is it because you certainly want to spend the rest of your life and eternity married to your true love? Or are you wondering if there will be marriage in heaven because you might need to consider changes if you have to be married to your current spouse forever and ever?
Couples who enjoy marital bliss may desire an eternal union with their spouse in heaven. When thinking of eternity we are limited by our present knowledge and experiences. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day posed a question regarding marriage in heaven.
Here’s what Jesus says about marriage in heaven
That same day Jesus was approached by some Sadducees—religious leaders who say there is no resurrection from the dead. They posed this question: “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies without children, his brother should marry the widow and have a child who will carry on the brother’s name.’ Well, suppose there were seven brothers. The oldest one married and then died without children, so his brother married the widow. But the second brother also died, and the third brother married her. This continued with all seven of them. Last of all, the woman also died. So tell us, whose wife will she be in the resurrection? For all seven were married to her.”
Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God. For when the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. In this respect they will be like the angels in heaven.”
Matthew 22:23–30 NLT
Our marriage is a metaphor of our eternal relationship with Christ
Jesus emphasized that the essential point is to know God and relate to Him. Through knowing God and His Word, I move to become all that He has designed. The pictures and parables Jesus used to convey heavenly truths will be fully realized. As repeatedly noted, Paul states that marriage is a picture of Christ and His relationship with the church (Eph. 5:32). Therefore in heaven the analogy of marriage is no longer necessary for believers become the fulfillment of the metaphor. There will be no marriage and giving in marriage in heaven because the church will be married to Christ.
Insight Journal
- Is it disappointing to you that there will be no marriage and giving in marriage in heaven? Why or why not?

Excerpts from Marriages that Minister by J. Kirk & Melanie D. Lewis. Available from your favorite book retailers, including Amazon and Redemption Press. (As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.)
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